The Children & Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) is a multi-agency partnership that includes the leadership of key statutory agencies and community and voluntary organisations, with a responsibility for improving the lives of children and young people in Northern Ireland.
The partnership produces a Children & Young People’s Plan which provides a high level commitment to improving outcomes for children and young people in Northern Ireland and to ensure each child reaches their full potential. This plan is taken forward at a local level through the process of Locality Planning.
Locality Planning Groups (LPGs) are partnerships between statutory, voluntary and community organisations working with and for children young people and families at a local level. Their work focuses on early intervention to improve outcomes for children and young people.
There are 6 LPGs in the Southern Trust area. These are:
1. Armagh
2. Banbridge
3. Craigavon
1. Dungannon
2. Newry & Mourne
3. South Armagh
Each Locality Planning Group reports to the Southern Outcomes Group by sharing information, knowledge base and expertise about the local area and identifying opportunities to improve outcomes for children and young people by working better together.
Each Locality Planning group has its own page on the CYPSP website HERE.
Working as a multi-agency partnership, each LPG develops a Children and Young People’s Locality Plan for their area. These plans identify and evidence the key issues impacting upon children and young people and provide a framework through which solutions can be implemented to address these issues.
Activities carried out by the Locality Planning Group in the Southern Area include the sharing of information and resources; supporting local organisations to make links with other services; information and networking; events; training; action planning; and producing resources for members to help support their work with children, young people and parents/carers.
Actions are agreed by LPG members and are flexible to address any particular issue relating to children, young people or family support.
Working as a multi-agency partnership, each LPG develops a Children and Young People’s Locality Plan for their area. These plans identify and evidence the key issues impacting upon children and young people and provide a framework through which solutions can be implemented to address these issues.
Activities undertaken by LPGs in the Southern Trust Area include: Stakeholder Events, Information and Networking Events, Training, Consultation Responses, Projects/Events to meet the Outcomes of Action Plans, Sharing of Information and much more.
Actions are agreed by LPG members and are flexible to address any particular issue relating to children, young people or family support.
The team responsible for Locality Planning in the Southern Trust area are Darren Curtis (Locality Development Officer) and Joanne Patterson (Locality Programme Support Officer). Both are based at Tower Hill, Armagh.
Action Plans for the 6 Locality Planning Groups in the Southern Trust area fall under 8 factors contributing to wellbeing, as identified in the Northern Ireland Children and Young People’s Strategy. Outcomes are numbered accordingly in the Action Plan, which denote the areas we are addressing for each theme.
All 6 Locality Planning Groups identified the following 3 themes as their top priorities for 2021-24:
1. Emotional wellbeing and mental health of children & young people
2. Supporting parents & caregivers
3. Addressing the impact of poverty
Download a copy of the CYPSP Southern Area Locality Planning Groups Information Leaflet & Action Plan 2021-2024 HERE.
With the aim of strengthening contacts, participation, engagement and connections in the region, Southern Area LPG members, as well as the wider community, are invited to submit flyers, posters & announcements promoting relevant events, opportunities, programmes and initiatives.
All of this information is then collated and shared via a one-stop shop style newsletter, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).
The fortnightly e-bulletin is circulated on alternate Thursday afternoons to over 900 contacts, advertising on behalf of a varied range of community, voluntary & statutory organisations. The newsletter is also widely promoted across various CYPSP and CiNI social media channels and e-mail circulars.
E-mail for further info. or to sign up to the ‘FYI’ mailing list.
Click HERE to visit our Linktree page, where you can find out more about what we do and view/download our full library of resources.